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    Paul Cahierre - CEO of Mediakeys
    Paul Cahierre
    CEO of Mediakeys

    It makes me especially proud to be at the helm of an international team of 220 designers, engineers, consultants and media strategists with the aim of delivering agile and independent solutions specifically designed to enhance the customer experience.

    The team

    • Jérôme Carriere - Chief Technical Officer
      Jérôme Carriere
      Chief Technical Officer
    • Yannick Renard - Creative Director
      Yannick Renard
      Creative Director
    • Neri Cahierre - Product Owner
      Neri Cahierre
      Product Owner
    • Clement Burle - Communications Manager
      Clement Burle
      Communications Manager
    • Antoine Veillon - Media Trader
      Antoine Veillon
      Media Trader
    • Antoine Leriche - Media Trader
      Antoine Leriche
      Media Trader
    • Frederik Nielsen - Support and Q&A
      Frederik Nielsen
      Support and Q&A
    • Thibault Leca - Account Manager
      Thibault Leca
      Account Manager
    • Charles-Eric Collet - Accounting
      Charles-Eric Collet

    Life atthe agency
