Société Générale's solution for capturing the Gen Z market
Banxup - creation of a fully digital parent-controlled banking service for teenagers

SG is looking to achieve two goals with its dedicated banking service for teenagers, namely build a relationship with a young and volatile customer base while providing parents with a simple and reassuring service for guiding their teenage children down the road towards greater freedom and independence.
But how can you fulfil the expectations of both target groups while delivering the same quality?

End-to-end support:
- Consolidate the parent-child value proposition
- Design the service and develop the screens for both apps
- Craft a new visual identity and create the communication campaign...

SG had already painted a clear picture of the ambitions behind the service, i.e. give teenagers access to a parent-controlled payment card, but when it came to the interface and communication campaign, we were facing a blank canvas.
Winning over teenagers is all very well, but parents also need to be encouraged to engage with the service. The teams began working on two separate design briefs.
The brief for teenagers: a bank card combined with a dedicated app featuring an on-trend design and a specific identity, allowing users to make the most of their pocket money.
The brief for parents: an interface where they can monitor the account, define the settings and top up their child's account directly from their Société Générale app.
Since appealing apps and innovative services feature high on the target market's priority list, the design was one of the key factors for success. From the app and communication campaigns through to the lifestyle visuals and iconic payment card, we laid the foundations for an on-trend service with an audacious and pop-styled design in alignment with the Gen Z target market.

"Bringing parents and teenagers together on such a sensitive topic as pocket money is a daunting challenge! But some five months later, that double objective has spawned an innovative banking service that has given Société Générale a stronghold in the Gen Z market."